How to hack to get a meber account in prodigy
How to hack to get a meber account in prodigy

how to hack to get a meber account in prodigy

See, if Prodigy made everything that was once member only and made you watch an ad to get it instead, with a confirmation screen for players who don't know that it is going to play an advertisement, then that would be perfect.almost. Why not play ads sometimes in-game? Preferably gifted video ads. The main way Prodigy makes money is through memberships, and if they were removed, they might go bankrupt.

how to hack to get a meber account in prodigy

If prodigy makes it so that anyone can unlock the features that would usually be labeled "Member Only" and stopped showing the screen saying "Members get More!" every time you tried to click on them, then it would be amazing.for the prodigy players. After all, who'd want to experience only half the game when you can become a member and get almost all of it? Prodigy used to not have as many features restricted to members, like evolving pets for example, but nowadays, more kids are going to their parents begging for membership than enjoying the game. The features that are locked behind paywalls include: saving more than 10 pets, evolving your pets, getting mythical epics, rescuing certain pets, wearing certain gear, riding a cloud mount, buying certain items/pets, having more turns on the wheel, buying ANYTHING from Scientist Slimerela, using a slingshot on the titan, buying some of the houses, receiving 5 more stars each time you win a battle, opening member chests on the map and after you win a battle, buying certain hair colors, hairstyles, and faces, finishing the pet book, and EVEN. Hacking! And some people are even encouraging kids to hack as well! Kids! Hacking! Just because most of the game is behind a paywall! And, if you DO use the free way to get membership without hacking by making a teacher account, you will STILL have to pay money to unlock everything, because apparently, you have to have level up or ultimate membership to do a lot of things as a member! For example, want a mythical epic? It says that you can collect them all if you become a member, so surely you can unlock them if you use the teacher method? WRONG, since prodigy just wants to constantly make money. A lot of people have started literally hacking to get it.

how to hack to get a meber account in prodigy how to hack to get a meber account in prodigy

Plus, you can only get a membership that lasts for a year at most (I'm not 100% sure this is true, but it does have a limit), and you can't just get one that'll last you for however long you decide to keep paying Prodigy monthly. The only ways to get membership are through teacher accounts, hacking, and buying it. This will be about how much the whole membership thing sucks and why they should make everything free instead, or at least make membership less strict. But this won't just be about how much prodigy has changed membership-wise. I already made a long post earlier about the old version of prodigy, and I forgot one thing: free to play wasn't always as strict as it is now.

How to hack to get a meber account in prodigy